Chess Puzzle Simulator

Our chess coach provided us a PGN of puzzles to study via Chessbase.  The puzzles are excellent, but studying in Chessbase has limits - specifically Chessbase only tests on the first move and does not playing all moves any variations against you.  Having previously written about using Fritz for opening training, I tried to get Fritz to work, but Fritz only lets you train from the starting position of a game and not from the FEN provided position in the puzzles.  I found other tools online that could do what I need, but I just want something simple that doesn't require a college degree to learn like Chessbase...and I want something that is free.

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BAC Live Entry Rating

If you are in the San Francisco, Bay Area then you likely know of and have attended Bay Area Chess (BAC) tournaments.  I have no complaints about BAC except that their Live Entry page does not list the ratings of the players that have registered.  The list looks like the screenshot below.  There is a USCF ID, but no rating information.  You can manually lookup the USCF id's, but that takes a long time.

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USCF Chess Rating Monitor

This post is obsolete as I just found out that USCF has a feature to email you when your rating changes - I mean why wouldn't they?  I am leaving the post here as a reference should someone want/need to extract ratings for other players from the site.  If you have a team/club and want to keep track of everyone's rating, this can be easily extended to pull the data from the site for each chess id.

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Puzzle Rush Tool Puzzle Rush is great at practicing tactics under pressure, however reviewing your mistakes or can be time consuming.  The Puzzle Rush Tool was created to aid in practicing your mistakes or playing puzzles at specific levels.

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